Here are some pictures and since I'm breaking out a few house pictures to demonstrate my carpet woes I thought I'd throw in a couple of the outside of the house just for kicks.
Here is our house from the street. I'm the first to admit it's not a lot to look at from this angle especially with the fence and ramp rails in front. But once you get past the fence and down the ramp you are looking at this:
This court yard makes my heart go pitter patter in a big way. I love the windows facing into the courtyard, I love the beautiful wood front doors, I love the spindly trees growing out of the courtyard up over the house. And I love how the house makes a U-around this charming courtyard.
Now inside in the main living space. The front door is in that nook on the left and the opposite wall is all windows giving this room beautiful light. The real walnut fire place is in gorgeous condition although there is a small crack in the marble. And we love the book shelves on the left with lamps on top. And then here it is...Rose colored carpet. In it's defense it does sort of match the house and there is a rose/pink/maroon/color scheme going through this floor of the house. Luckily most of our furniture is pretty neutral and will do okay in here. The bigger challenge lies in Margot's room below (the curtains are already gone),
This is actually a big room, I think almost twice the size of her current shoe box of a room. But there is a lot going on this room. Besides the aforementioned carpet there are two distinct tones of wood, the walnut baseboard molding and the honey toned wooden closet and shelving. In addition there are original heavy aluminum windows with big handles that swing the windows out, think European style windows with no screens. Her current room is turquoise and white which you can see in this post. Obviously our turquoise color scheme is not going to work in this room. I have spent tons of time thinking about this room. Mostly about what color to paint it since painting Margot's room is one of the things we need to do before we move in. Besides the current paint is old, in poor condition and is lead based paint so this room must have a new coat or 3 before moving day. I have been going back and forth between a really light ballet pink with lots of gold accents or a light grey with ballet pink and white accents. As of right now I'm feeling pretty settled on the grey. We will keep all of the original wood work in tact but will be bringing in her white crib/toddler bed, her white book shelf and a dark walnut mid-century modern dresser. In addition to painting the walls grey I'm thinking about getting a this rug, or a cheaper knock off if I can find it, to cover most of the floor to tone down the carpet and tie the grey walls to the white furniture we have,

Then to really tie things together I'm going to