Tuesday, June 18, 2013

plowing forward

Right now we are taking things one day at a time. Sunday was Father's day and despite the complete chaos our house is in, the boxes, packing and projects, negotiations hanging out there and too much work on our plates we just stopped and went out to breakfast. Because sometimes you literally only need a cup of coffee and a funny baby devouring her carrot muffin. 

We finally wrapped up negotiations on our house that we are selling. All of the addendum's are signed, the buyers are moving into underwriting and we close in less than a month. However we are still in negotiations on our new house and don't have a close date, we are hoping late July. But once we get the keys for the new house it will be at least a week if not two before we can move because there are a few things we need to do before we can occupy. Then there is a giant list of things we have to do in the first few months, then a bigger list of things to do after we have built our savings back up. So we are just taking it slow and enjoying the entire process. And of course being thoroughly charmed and entertained by our funny little chicken who last night learned to say beef and spent all of dinner saying, "more beef" and "more beef please".

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