Friday, August 30, 2013

what we're eating

The last few months in our old house I made monthly menus instead of my usual weekly menu. Then the moving chaos hit and three months later I'm just returning to my kitchen routines. So last night I decided to make a September menu. And it was so fun! Aren't early fall menu's the best? All the summer produce is lingering but the season is starting to change and so all sorts of foods that were off the table all summer suddenly sound wonderful. I love making a menu for the whole month because I really have an excuse to spend a lot of time pouring over my cookbooks and thinking through recipes.
I also think it's fun to try and balance our meals over a whole month between different types of foods, flavors, meat/fish and lots of good meatless dinners as well. I also find it's easier each week to get organized around groceries and prep because the menu is already made.
coconut shrimp soup (Everyday food, Great Food Fast)
Indian red bean curry with brown rice (smitten kitchen blog, recipe here)
Lentil soup, buttered radishes and bread (everyday food, great food fast)
steak, pars-lied potatoes and green veg
black eyed peas, brown rice and green veg
spaghetti and salad
red bean soup (from Tom Fitzmorris New Orleans Food
Chicken baked in rice and green veg (from The New southern basics
Chicken corn chowder (gourmet magazine cutout from long ago)
Date Night
Pinto beans with bacon, rice and collard greens
Pot Roast (from The new southern basics)
pot roast hash and eggs
stewed eggplant with brown rice (The New southern basics)
Basque potato and green bean soup with garlic chips and bread (Farmhouse cookbook)
steak, roasted veg, and green
hoisen Salmon steaks, rice and Chinese broccoli (everyday food, great food fast)
roast chicken with ginger and potatoes, salad (Farmhouse cookbook)
beef stew
paneed pork chops with fennel creole sauce (Tom Fitzmorris new Orleans Food)
squash and chickpea stew (smitten Kitchen)
black bean and chorizo soup (bon appetite magazine cut out)
chili and corn bread
chicken alfredo rice casserole (better homes and garden magazine cutout)

There it is, a glimpse into what we least this month. Not that you care but I, being the food dork I am, LOVE to see what people are eating. It's like I think they have discovered some brilliant recipe/food/food blog or cookbook and I just have to know about it.

 Another sign that fall is approaching,
Rain boots!!!

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