Monday, August 24, 2009

Back to School

Mr. P started is third and final year of law school today. It seems like just yesterday that we were graduating and he was getting ready for his first year and now he’s almost done and I am so EXCITED! Being married to a law student is a bit crazy and I am hoping this year will be a little less crazy. With two years under our belt I’m hoping Mr. P and are getting the hand of this law school thing.

I was getting him ready for school this weekend and I couldn't help miss the back to school feeling. Going to buy school supplies and more importantly new fall clothes. Lunch boxes with friends rather then lunch meetings with politicians. Getting to wear jeans everyday! Breaks between classes when everyone congregates on the lawn and instead of studying. Rushing through the pouring rain to Roma for cheap hot coffee and piles of philosophy books to read.

But then again…while I may work some pretty late nights, I never have to take work home. I never have to wake up at 5am on a Saturday to go work in a coffee shop. I haven’t pulled an all-nighter in over two years. And I don’t have to eat poor college student food day after day.

Maybe I’m aching for the change in the seasons, fall leaves and colors, warm sweaters, watching old movies on rainy Saturday afternoons and pumpkin pie and many steaming hot bowls of soup.

What are you looking forward to as fall inches closer?


  1. I'd like to say I'm looking forward to cooler temps but our weather in Louisiana in the fall more resembles most people's summer temps! This year we're taking a trip to NYC to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary and I'm so excited at the prospect of seeing Central Park decked out in fall color. This trip will be THE highlight of the fall for me.
