Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012

This was a crazy year for our family. In fact the last several years have been pretty action packed. Let's review:

2007: Chris and I graduated college, got engaged, and he started law school while I planned our wedding
2008: I started my first professional job, we got married
2009: Chris broke his hip
2010: Chris graduated law school and I started my current job at the Chamber
2011: Chris started his own law practice, we bought our house and I got pregnant and had Margot
2012: Margot's first year aka the year of no sleep, Chris started his job at the firm

whew! I'm exhasted just writing that list.

So here is our New Year's wish: for nothing big to happen.

Seriously, we just want one year of working, playing, raising Margot, cooking food, going on walks and paying off student loans. No new jobs, no new babies, no moving, no dramatic life changing events. That is our goal.

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