Thursday, May 27, 2010

Armed with riding boots and spicy soup

The torrents of rain continue. But it is no matter because my riding boots and I are armed with a trench coat and a piping hot bowl of spicy chipotle chicken soup. We, my boots and I, are counting down the hours until it is finally the weekend, a four day weekend no less. In 5 hours freedom is mine. I shall return to my cozy house, a roaring fire, and a sweet husband. I shall make flamenco eggs. I shall enjoy their silky texture along side spicy chorizo and rich garlicky tomatoes. It shall be divine.

This weekend I am relishing in the fact that nothing is planned. Mr. P and I will go on a bike ride. I will attempt to finish organizing the office. We may start weeding our new massive yard. I may attempt homemade granola as seen in this months Bon Appetit via Molly Wizenberg. We may do some U-pick strawberry picking, which might tempt me to try my hands at a gluten free cobbler of sorts. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. That soup sounds delicious! Do you have a recipe?? Hope you had a fabulous weekend! :)
