Friday, October 26, 2012

And the count down to one year begins

Oh my baby...You are 11 months old and hardly a baby anymore. You are so big and constantly on the move. I couldn't even get you to hold still to take your photo.

 You are crawling all over the house and constantly exploring your little world. You can pull yourself up, stand and cruise along all the furniture. You are frighteningly apt at getting yourself to where you want to be. One of your favorite recent activities is to "escape" when I'm trying to get you. This is especially fun post bath when I'm trying to diaper you. You squirm out of my reach and take off at the fastest crawl you can muster laughing and squealing as you go.

You often jabber, laugh, squeal and sing. You love to sing in the car along with Mommy. It's so funny. And you can say a few words, ma ma, da da, uh oh, and yee haw. You have other ways of communicating your wants. When you want me to pick you up you crawl over and pull yourself up on the back of my pant legs. You point to things you want. And when you want more food you open your mouth as wide as possible.

You have started to eat much larger volume of food this month. You can easily eat 1/3 to half the food on my plate. You mostly feed yourself but we also still feed you some. You love anything on Mommy or Daddy's plate. You are a very adventurous eater. In the last month you have eaten Chantalle mushrooms, beef stew, roasted squash risotto, artichoke hearts, pickles, and braised cabbage. You are very skilled at dropping your food on the floor and you have started to spit it back out when you are done. So much fun!!!

You love to play with your books and dolls. However, your favorite activity lately seems to be sorting anything. You love to take all of your toys out of one basket or bucket and move them to the other. This is also fun with Mommy's large jewelry, kitchen items, laundry and the kitchen drawers. Here you are sorting Grandma Jody's kitchen Tupperware.
This month we had two Portland trips and one included your first trip tot the Zoo. Here you are looking very intently at Monkey's. You loved the Monkey.
 You also traveled on the Max which you also loved. I think you share your Mother's love of public transit.
 And you went to the pumpkin patch!!! This was so much fun. Here you are standing next to a pumpkin. You are almost a toddler (tear).
Your funny little personality continues to emerge everyday. You are turning out to be quite a little ham. You love attention and want to be in the center of everything. You know what you want and are quite determined to get it. You are a stubborn strong willed little monkey. I predict a very eventful toddler hood for you! You love to see new places. The farmers market, grocery stores and restaurants are your favorites. You still love to cuddle and nurse and always prefer Mommy and Daddy's bed to your own.

You turn one in 21 days and we can hardly believe how fast this year has flown by. Love you to pieces. Mommy and Daddy

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