Friday, November 27, 2009

To Shop or Not to Shop

I hope everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving yesterday. We definitely did. Food was delicious and we had a nice time with my Mom, siblings, Uncles family and some friends. After dinner and dessert we officially started the Christmas season with a Christmas movie.

Today is black Friday. Are you out in the shopping madness today? I am not. Rather I'm burrowing in my apartment until 4pm when we're going over to our friend David's and cooking dinner for a bunch of friends. I went out last year on black Friday and while I did get some good deals but I'm still recovering from the madness.

So what am doing if I'm not shopping? I spent the morning cleaning. If you read this blog you know I hate to clean. But there are two things that motivate me to clean: my grandmother coming to visit, and putting up Christmas decorations. I love putting up Christmas decorations but when I was a kid we always had to clean house before getting out all of the decorations. So this morning I woke up and started cleaning right away, Mr. P helped and by noon the house was so clean. Now I'm taking a blogging break and then I will turn on the radio and decorate away.

How are you spending the day after Thanksgiving?

1 comment:

  1. We ventured out for a little while, but eventually went back home for movies & leftover pie. :)
