I am 17 weeks pregnant and feeling great. I still have occasional weepy bouts and prefer to eat baked potatoes but my energy has returned. On the one hand I can't believe how fast time is going by on the other December still feels like a long way from now. However, we are starting to prepare for the baby and it is starting to feel more real.
Yesterday was the first time a stranger commented on my pregnancy. I am starting to show and most of my pants only fit with the
bellaband. It was actually really funny
because she said, "what a cute belly, when are you due?" and for a second I forgot I was pregnant and thought she was calling me fat! It was just such a surprise to have a stranger notice. Here is a picture of the belly last night:

We still have a few more weeks until we find out if it's a boy or girl. However we are starting to work on the nursery. I posted a few inspiration pictures a few weeks ago but now I have a much firmer idea in my head for each one. Our first big nursery project is to refinish a dresser that my Mom found at a garage sale. This was a great find and I'm so excited about it. Although it isn't a great picture here is the before:

It's a solid mahogany dresser from the 1920's. It is a little scratched, there is a crack on one of the drawer fronts and the knobs are broken. We are working right now to sand it down so we can fill the crack and paint it white. Then we will find new nobs to put on and it will be as good as new. We have also decided on the Jennylind crib which we will be getting next month. But perhaps most exciting is this rocking chair that my Mom and Stepfather are letting us use.

It's been in Michael's family and was in their garage. It is so perfect. Not only is it gorgeous but it fits me perfectly!
I am also reading a lot of books! My favorites so far have been The Baby Talk Guide to the First Year and The Happiest Baby on the Block. However, I just got The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding and Baby Wise and am looking forward to those as well.
I know time will pass quickly and this little one will be here before we know it!