Food in Colombia is delicious yet very different in many ways. Here people eat a lot of meat and starches. They eat breakfast, lunch and onces, and a snack in the evening. Breakfast is a big meal usually with bread, eggs, meat, arepas, soup and always chocolate. Lunch is the main meal of the day and in small towns in Colombia the town shuts down from 1-3 durring lunch. That doesn't happen in Bogota. Many people eat out for lunch and others all go home for the meal. Usually lunch consists of fruit or salad, soup, a main course and a small dessert. To drink there is a great variety of freshly made jugo (juice) or beer. Onces is a snack eaten at 4:30 it can be either sweet or savory, often it is street food (I'll do another post just on street food). Then in the evening between 6-9 there is a snack. This is usually a drink and some food. Often it is chocolate with cheese and rolls, or agua de panella (a sweet hot drink made of sugar cane, cinnamon, cloves and sometimes liquor) and bread. It can also be beer and wine with platacones (fried plantaines served with salsa or guacamole or sometimes meat.
Graffitti art in the neighborhood
This is in the Calenderia, the Historic district. It is full of amazing old houses, shops, churches and plazas. The most amazing thing is the colors and the doors. I took 20 some pictures of doors they are all so beautiful.
A view of Bogota from a plaza in Calenderia. There are plazas everywhere.
"Casa de Maria" as my 2 year old cousin William says. He calls all the churches casa de Maria and loves to go and visit Maria. This is the church William was baptized in.
A street in Tunja, look at all the colors.
Mr. P and I in front of another "Casa de Maria" we visited in Tunja
Villa de Levay. Look at the stone streets. This is a small town in North Colombia. You can see the Mountains from everywhere in this town. It is very old and quaint. We went on a horseback ride to a lake and to fossil beds. The countryside is beautiful here. And there are so many stange plants I have never seen.
My breakfast. The eggs are all mixed up with hot sauce so it isn't as pretty as when it first arrived. The eggs are baked in that metal pan. I ate them with Arepas, my new favorite food. Arepas are made with freshly ground corn meal, milk, butter and cheese. They are like a thick corn pancake or flat cornbread. They bake in a wood oven and are amazing! Tomorrow I will write about the chocolate. It is breaktaking and deserves it's own post.