Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Goodbye house

This weekend we moved out of our house. We aren't 100% done. We still have some stuff in the house that needs to go to storage, goodwill and the dump and I'm only about 75% done with the final cleaning/spackling/paint touch up. But we are no longer living there and all of our stuff is tightly packed into storage for the coming weeks.
Mostly we are excited. We are over the moon about our new house but there is a part of me that is sad to leave this little house. This is after all where we brought Margot home from the hospital, where we spent night after night walking her around trying to calm her, where we lovingly decorated her room and where she took her first steps. For some reason it's the first steps that cause the lump in my throat. Maybe it's because I actually witnessed those first steps, unlike every other first, or maybe because I can so clearly picture where we were in the house and what we were doing. Regardless I'll admit to some choking up. All in all this was a wonderful house for us. It was a happy place full of love and laughs and it was really smart investment for Chris and I. We are grateful for the time we've had here and even more grateful for where we are going. So goodbye house. We wish lots of love, happiness and joy to your new owners and hope they create as many beautiful memories as we did.

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