Thursday, March 29, 2012
Margot's Room
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Tuesday Night Dinner

Dry grilled chicken and noodles with herb broth, cilantro and red chili*
2 chicken breasts
dry rice noodles
boiling water
5-6 cups of homemade chicken broth
1 inch of fresh ginger, thinly sliced
2 cloves of garlic, minced
1 bunch fresh cilantro
2 fresh red chili, seeds removed.
2 fresh limes
soy sauce
bok choi, remove course stems and roughly chop
Heat cast iron grill pan over med-high. Pound chicken breast 1/4 inch thick and season with salt and pepper. Once grill pan is hot add chicken. Bring water kettle to boil. Place broth into sauce pan along with garlic and ginger, bring to boil, reduce to a simmer. Cook chicken 4-5 minutes on one side before turning over. Cook 2-3 minutes on second side or until chicken is cooked through. Set aside. Place rice noodles into large bowl. Once kettle is boiling pour boiling water over the noodles. Stir around with chop stick to make sure they are submerged in water. Check periodically (should take 5-10 minutes) until they are soft but not mushy. When done, drain and divide into 4 bowls. Finely chop your cilantro and chili, set aside. Place bok choi into simmering broth. Cook just until wilted, divide into bowls over noodles. Slice chicken and divide it among four bowls. Ladle broth into each bowl. Squeeze fresh lime juice onto each bowl, along with some soy sauce and garnish with cilantro and red chili.
*Adapted from Jamie Oliver, The Naked Chef. Ingredients and flavors are the same. I altered the recipe to simplify it a bit and speed it up. For even more simplification you could simply poach the chicken in the broth.
Monday, March 26, 2012
I am reading the letters of John and Abigail Adams. They are fascinating. Abigail Adams is one of my hero's. I loved this quote from the second letter:
"Let us, therefore, my dear partner, from that affection which we feel for our lovely babes, apply ourselves, by every way we can, to the cultivation of our farm. Let frugality and industry be our virtues, if they are not of any others. And above all cares of this life, let our ardent anxiety be to mould the minds and manners of our children. Let us teach them not only to do virtuously, but to excel. To excel, they must be taught to be steady, active, and industrious."--John Adams
Friday, March 23, 2012
some kind of party
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Snow Day!
In truly classic Chris fashion we immediately reacted. Really, the boy scouts would have been proud. Chris retrieved flash lights and lit candles. I bundled Margot and myself. We brought all of our necessities, phone, blackberry, blankets, diapers, wipes, hats, toys and the activity gym into our bedroom where it was a cozy 70 degrees and settled ourselves, Margot and her activity gym on our bed.
It was quickly established that my office was closed. Then we analyzed the situation. How long would it stay warm without power? At what point might we have to leave? Where should we go? What were we going to eat? What about the freezer? Could we cook breakfast on a camp stove? Would the toilet flush?
Fortunately the power came back on a few hours later. We decided to take Margot out to experience her first and maybe only great snow storm.

Margot was not a huge fan of her snow suit.

But she did like my funny snow dance--the things I will do attempting to get my child to smile for the camera.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Margot You are Four Months Old

Tuesday Night Dinner
Monday, March 19, 2012
Mom Fail Weekend
But when I picked her up to nurse her before I went to bed she was burning up and shivering. As soon as I picked her up she started to cry the most heart breaking little cry. It was horrible. We took her temperature which was 101.4. Then both Chris and I sort of panicked. How could she have a fever? How could we leave her? why did we let them give her those shots? After a few minutes of freaking out and debating taking her to urgent care I remembered the doctor sent home a sheet about her vaccinations. It said we only needed to bring he in if her temperature reached 104 or lasted longer than 24 hours. It advised lightly dressing the baby, giving lots of nursing and infant Tylenol. We did all of those things then just brought Margot to bed with us and let her cuddle and nurse throughout the night. I have never felt so guilty laying there with Margot burning up and clinging to me. Luckily her fever started to go down and was gone by morning. But she was lethargic, clingy and kind of fussy the rest of the day. We just did everything we could to make her comfy and happy. We cuddled, and nursed, and bounced and let her sleep in our chests. By afternoon she was quite a bit better.

We dressed her up for St Patricks Day and went to my Dad's for corned beef. Sunday she woke up screaming but settled down after some bouncing and cuddling. We walked to church so she didn't have to go in the car seat and then I just kept her in the service with us. She did look darling in her little pink jumper and tights with shoes on them.

I was supposed to go to the opera Sunday afternoon but I canceled because I didn't dare leave her again.
Friday, March 16, 2012
- I was so tired last night that I woke up at 2am to find Margot our bed with absolutely no recollection of putting her there--I think she crawled in...
- I am so glad it's Friday and tomorrow is Saturday
- Margot will of course celebrate Saturday by waking up at 5:30 am with no intention of going back to sleep despite the fact that I have to wake her up every week day morning
- Chris and I are going on a much needed date night tonight
- We are going to try this new brewery downtown
- I am so excited to eat corned beef and cabbage tomorrow
- Margot has a special green st patty's day onesie just for the occasion
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Then and Now
Three months ago:
- Miss Margot screamed in the car almost every single place we went, including one truly horrid trip to Portland
- She screamed every time she was dressed or diapered
- She usually peed everywhere the second we got her diaper off
- She would only sleep on mommy or Daddy's chest or in the Ergo/baby bijorn/sling
- She nursed every 1-2 hours 24 hours a day
- It hurt like the dickens every single time she nursed
- She hated with a passion her swing, car seat, bouncy seat, and the stroller--basically the child could not be set down without screaming
- She thought it was great fun to wake up in the middle of the night to eat and then to stay awake for two hours during which time she would only to be pacified if walked around the house--because you know walking all over the house for 2 hours is just what I wanted to do at 2am
- she fussed from 5pm-10pm unless bounced in a very precise manor (all about the knees) unless of course she was nursing

sleeping on Daddy
That was then... and this is Now:
- She hardly ever cries in the car anymore
- She smiles and laughs while you dress her or change her diaper
- She occasionally still pees everywhere but now she laughs and grins while she does it
- She sleeps in her cradle at night and takes most naps in her crib occasionally she still naps on with me or in her Ergo or car seat
- She nurses every 2-3 hours and will usually go one 3-5 hours stretch at night
- I wish I could say nursing has has become completely pain free* but alas I can't it is however much better
- Margot loves her activity gym and bouncy seat. She also seems to like her swing for short periods
- While she does still wake up a lot during the night she goes right back to sleep
- After months of what we termed the "evening fussies" Miss Margot hardly ever fusses anymore and usually when she does it's very briefly and when she's tired
- Additionally, Margot is so much fun!
- She has this huge happy grin which she loves to share
- She talks all the time which is so funny
- She loves to kick and stomp her legs which can be really funny

Just hanging out in playing with our hands
So basically---It gets so much easier!!!
Friday, March 9, 2012
sequins and sleep
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Tuesday Night Dinners
To tacos. Yes...I know...the past two recipes I have posted have been for tacos. But here is the thing, my darling Margot has been waking up every 2 hours for the past week which means I have not had more than about 1.5 hours of consecutive sleep in many nights and I have been working full time. So tacos is about all my poor brain can muster right now.
Weeknight Fish Tacos*
1/2lb Tilapia (fresh or frozen)
1/2 cup green (tomatillo) salsa*
12 soft corn tortillas
1 cup sour cream
2 limes
1 bunch cilantro
green, purple or nappa cabbage
Place tilapia in shallow baking dish. Squeeze the juice of one lime over it. Drizzle with some olive oil and generously season with salt and pepper. Set aside to marinate.
Place sour cream in bowl. Squeeze the juice of second lime into bowl along with 2-3 table spoons of chopped cilantro and some salt and pepper. Set aside.
Shred cabbage.
Heat a dry skillet to medium high and heat your tortilla 3 at a time for a minute or two on each side. Once warmed place in clean kitchen towel to stay warm. Once tortillas are heated melt 1Tb of butter in skillet along with a drizzle of oil. Saute tilapia for 3 minutes on one side and 2 on second side. Shred fish with fork.
To assemble tacos. Place three tortillas on each place. Put some fish in tortilla. Top fish with generous amount of green salsa, some flavored sour cream and cabbage.
Serve tacos with re-fried beans, green salad or chips and salsa.
*I had homemade tomatillo salsa left over in the fridge. I had made this recipe (which is super easy) over the weekend. However if that hadn't been the case I would have bought fresh green salsa from the store or used one of the canned tomatillo salsas from the Mexican aisle which I think are good, although they are spicy.
*This recipe is a muddled adaptation of a few of the fish taco recipes I have tried. It is not the most exciting or best way to make fish tacos but it is good and it is fast so it's perfect for a tuesday night.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Baby Shoes
I bought these at the baby consignment store so they only cost $4
So cute...right
Margot loves them too. See how happy she is to be standing in her new shoes?
She even wore them to church on Sunday with her red dress, Costa Rica jacket and fancy grey hat. She was one styling baby.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Margot's Birth Story
I was 36 weeks pregnant on Monday November 14th and at that point was officially released from bed rest. I had been put on bed rest two months prior, at 28 weeks, because I have an incompetent cervix. This means that my cervix, which is supposed to be around 3.5 cm, was only 1.5cm. This can cause pre-term labor and is often treated with bed rest. I had been having some irregular contractions for several days. That Monday they became more regular, although they were not that painful, basically like bad menstrual cramps, but because we were still so early I called my Doctor who had me come in. She checked me and said the contractions were monitoring at 3 min apart and I was dilated 2 cm and fully effaced. She said the baby could come as early as that night or it could still be a few days. She told us to go to the hospital to get checked if the contractions intensified. Because I was already so effaced she was a little concerned about the baby coming really fast. We decided to make the following day my last day of work. The contractions continued throughout the following day. I had an appointment that day to meet our pediatrician. I told her I was in early labor and that our baby would likely arrive that week. We were able to discuss some things I could do to help breastfeeding because babies that early often have serious challenges breastfeeding. That evening the contractions intensified and we headed to the hospital to get checked. I was 3 cm and the contractions were regular and more painful but I was still in early labor so we decided to go home and wait.