Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy Bee

Arg...I have been so busy lately. I wish that I could report some amazing house progress, or some delicious recipes, but sadly, that is not the case. There has just been a lot going on with my job, Mr. P's practice and there has been a lot of traveling and company.

I did spend two Saturday's in a row at IKEA. Maybe I'll overcome my phobia of tools and no longer have to rely on Chris to put things together. And then there can be pictures. Maybe...


  1. I hope you find some down time soon. Moving is tough. I always felt like we were NEVER going to finish. And then one day we did! Hang in there.

  2. Oh no not Ikea LOL! It seems like a busy time of year for a lot of people, I guess you just have to do what you have time for and that's it.
